Spencer Kagan

Kagan Structures for English Language Learners

These easy-to-learn, easy-to-use instructional strategies are ideal for promoting second language learning.

Advantages of Kagan Structures for English Language Learners.

1. Greater Comprehensible Input. Students adjust their speech to the level of their partner because they are working together.

2. Natural Context. Language is used in real-life, functional interaction, reducing problems of transference.

3. Negotiation of Meaning. Students have the opportunity to adjust their language output to make sure they understand each other.

4. Lowered Affective Filter. Whereas it is frightening to speak out in front of the whole class, it is easy for students to talk with a supportive teammate.

5. Peer Support. Students encourage and support each other in language use.

6. Enhanced Motivation. Because the structures are engaging interaction sequences, and students need to understand each other there is high motivation to speak and listen for understanding

7. Greater Language Use. Using a pair structure such as Timed Pair Share, it takes but two minutes to give every student in the class a full minute of language output opportunity. 

The Essential 5

Kagan's Structures
Structures to develop cooperative learning
Documento Adobe Acrobat 418.8 KB

Timed Pair Share

We propose the following  structures because they work in the classroom.


It is essential that children begin their school years feeling part of their group class. Being and feeling part of a group provides cohesion, security, togetherness, it can also solve many classroom conflicts, that is why the earlier we start implementing cooperative learning the better.

1. The spider web

2. Organizing collaborative work in Infants classroom.

Year 1 to year 3

Structures that work:


Timed, Pair, Share

Team Interview

Team interview
The purpose of this activity is to help students get better acquainted with your new teammates.
Team Interview.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 199.8 KB

Year 4 to year 6

Structures that work:


Timed, Pair, Sahre

Team interview

Pencils in the middle.

Group of experts

Manuel's team

Tea party

Tea Party structure
Tea party is a social activity mostly used as a pre-reading strategy,
Documento Adobe Acrobat 376.3 KB
Grammar Jigsaw
Documento Adobe Acrobat 61.5 KB